Hey hey, fellow Newgrounders!
Coming up soon with Chapter 7 for Isabelle's saga. It's gonna be juicy! It's a lot of fun writing it... and I hope in time, I'll be able to come up with some supporting artworks for it. My productivity level decreases as the lewdness level goes up, IYKWIM
Thanks to those that read it. And if you haven't yet, please do it here, and give it some support: https://www.literotica.com/s/isabelle-my-big-titty-secretary-ch-01
Isabelle's a ton of fun. I love watching my fanbase growing everytime I release a new episode. I like to spice up each episode by serving different fetishes, a little something for everone.
And that last one, boy oh boy! I'm bringing back some lactating madness. *hint hint* It's gonna be a messssss